maandag 19 augustus 2024

Cute girls

 Een kaart gemaakt met een stencil van DutchDoobadoo. 470.713.103.    De plaatjes zijn van Craft O’Clock : Sunset Mood.                De dies zijn van Olba, Deco Time.     De tekst is van Studio Light : Victorian Dreams.        De kaart is afgewerkt met kant en parels.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow! You made an amazing card. It really has a vintage feel to it for me. The girls look really cute in their pretty dresses and headbands. And the two dogs look so happy. Your creation is really beautiful overall.
    Thank you for participating in the current Critter Crazy Challenge.
    Hugs Uschi

  2. Beautiful vintage images! Thank you for joining us at As You See It.

  3. What a pretty card! Thanks so much for entering our challenge at Cut it Up Challenges!
    Cara, Design Team, Cut it Up Challenge

  4. How adorable and sweet. Such a cute card - loving the colours. Thank you for joining us as The Alphabet Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo DT

  5. That is such a sweet card with those vintage images! Thanks for joining us at As You See It challenge

  6. So very cute and pretty!
    Thanks so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  7. Another adorable creation! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at A Place to Start!
    Chana, Owner

  8. This is beautiful! Those images are standouts! Thanks for joining us at As You See It!

  9. A really pretty vintage style creation.

    Thanks for joining us at the Beautiful Blossoms Challenge.

    Helen x
